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Media Release 17 March 2022

Magpies Tackle Concussion Head On with NEUROFLEX®

The Gumeracha Football Club is tackling the growing issue of concussion in Australian football, head on. The club is one of six in South Australia to trial NeuroFlex’s revolutionary concussion management technology that could prove a game-changer.

Gumeracha Football Club Trial Coordinator, Tim Hanna, said that the players were very curious about the virtual reality technology and enthusiastically supportive of anything which will lead to improved player wellbeing.

“Concussion is an extremely serious issue. It is important that we support new technology which can help manage concussion, ensure safe return-to-play and mitigate any potential long-term effects on players,” he said.

“Understanding the logistics implications of deploying such a technology in a country football environment is also an important part of the trial. Clearly, all players, regardless of where they play, should be able to do so in the safest possible manner,” Mr Hanna continued.

The Magpies join SANFL clubs Sturt, North Adelaide and Norwood, Adelaide University (SA Footy League) and Port Noarlunga (Southern Football League) to team up with NeuroFlex with the hope of improving concussion detection and providing safe return to play.

NeuroFlex’s state-of-the-art, eye-tracking technology is the result of 30 years of research. It uses virtual reality goggles, a laptop and software to detect concussions and their severity. Players undertake eight different tests, each lasting between 30 seconds and just over a minute, that can be conducted during games or at training.

Baseline levels are established in the pre-season and then compared following any concussions during the season. The NeuroFlex technology compliments the current AFL adopted guidelines and practices around concussion including SCAT testing and mandatory rest periods.

Former Adelaide Crow and 1991 North Adelaide premiership player Sean Tasker is involved in distributing the technology and says it should provide players with “greater confidence’’ when it comes to dealing with concussions and protecting their brain health. Under current SANFL and AFL concussion protocols, a player diagnosed with concussion cannot play again for at least 12 days.

“We are so pleased to be able to support the clubs in providing cutting edge technology which gives them the ability to baseline test their players and collate data for objective assessment of player brain health,’’ said Tasker, who is national head of education at NeuroFlex.

“This should allow players the capacity to return to play when their brain health is ready and not feel pressured to get back on the field. They will now be able to return in a more confident and ready state.’’

NeuroFlex scientific and medical officer Dr David Stevens said the technology would allow club medical staff to make more informed decisions about player safety.

“The rehabilitation and return to play timing is still poorly understood so these measures will help improve the return to play decisions,’’ he said.''

For more information on NeuroFlex®, please head to: or contact

Amy Taeuber from Hula Media on 0448 254 346 or email

or Tim Hanna from the Gumeracha Football Club on 0419 819 464.

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